22 July 2011

The Star Collection

The blood pressure has been down to normal for too long--one of the drawbacks of retirement.  Consequently, I reentered the ego consuming publication world, a world of predatory rejection slips and paychecks are the elusive dream.  Up to this point it had all been hobby writing and educational ramp up for this day.

Okay, so much for the drama.  This afternoon saw the launch of "The Star Collection" off to an editor's slush pile in hopes of capturing her attention as the last great hope for American literature.  And failing that, I will quietly take the $700 check and peddle my next brilliant opus down the street.  I'm easy.

"The Star Collection" is a flash fiction piece of only 898 words that reaches into the hereafter.  Built from the theme: The grass is greener on the other side, it follows an old man's transition onto the other side where he discovers heaven has been around him all the time.

The evolution of this work was a step out-of-the-box from start to finish.  I woke up yesterday thinking about star formations, and by the time I got out of the shower the outline was pretty much complete, as was the simple theme.  By lunchtime the first draft was complete and ready for some of the more technical research, and that night my wife read through the draft.  The next day (today) the final draft was ready, a potential magazine found, the story was submitted just after dinner, and two hours later a confirmation notice was received saying it was in the system.

Okay, that all said and done, its now time to move onto my own slush pile and final draft ready the next one.  No rest for the wicked.

20 July 2011

A World without Borders

Gone is a valuable market medium for writers, whose repercussion will be a boost in the arm for electronic publishers and companies like Amazon.com.  Gone also is a significant opportunity for authors--especially new or struggling authors--to reach out to fans or expose themselves to new ones with face-to-face interaction.  Should be an interesting way ahead.